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偷偷撸改成什么了 疑似火龙王的名字 - 家有小女


偷偷撸改成什么了 疑似火龙王的名字

发布日期:2024-07-31 15:42    点击次数:190

偷偷撸改成什么了 疑似火龙王的名字

source Jelena himo_sino 火龙王的名字似乎是修库特尔/修洛特尔(Xolotl/Xolotol) 这个名字以小字的面貌出当今描摹火龙王的名词的上方 "那不是一般的小龙大略领有的印章,实质上,这在纪录之中被称为「焰{RUBY修库特尔}主之祝」。", "That is not a mark that an ordinary Saurian would bear. In truth, records indicate this to be the \"Flame{RUBYXolotol's}lord's Blessing\"" "「然则此时不是呜咽的技巧偷偷撸改成什么了,枯焦的{RUBY修洛特尔}使臣近在目下偷偷撸改成什么了,当天我必将报仇血恨叽呀——」", "\"But now is not the time for tears. Today, I face the all-scorching emissary of {RUBYXolotl}, and come what may, I shall have my revenge—\"" "别传中,部族的袼褙会带着被一分为二的信物,在大火山之中洗去了我方的伙伴被故去{RUBY修库特尔}之龙担心的姓名。", "Legend has it that our tribal warriors would carry a token that was split in two, and in the great volcano they would wash the name of their companion as remembered by the Fallen {RUBY夫妻性爱技巧

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